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供应纤维板CE认证 |
根据EN12467协调标准采用体系1或者3进行测试认证。纤维水泥平板欧盟CE认证必须由欧盟委员会认可的具备资质能力的公告号机构进行测试或认证(Notified Body)。
EN12467:2004 +A1:2005/+A2:2006 Fibre-cement flat sheets-product specification and test methods。纤维水泥平板材产品规范和试验方法。
The EN12467 document specifies the technical requirement and established methods of inspection and test as well as acceptance conditions for fiber-cement flat sheets, siding shingles and planks(referred to as sheets later in this document) for one or more of the following uses:
-internal wall and ceiling finishes
-external wall and ceiling finishes
EN12467纤维水泥板CE认证产品规范测试概要:Mechanical resistance Density Reaction to fire Water impermeability Water vapour permeability Dimension variations Release of dangerous substances Warm water Soak-dry Freeze-thaw Heat rain长、宽、厚、边直度、边方度、表观密度、弯曲强度(潮湿装、室温状)、水渗透性、冻融循环、耐候性、热水性能、干湿循环、防火测试等性能。
纤维水泥板:fiber cement board 缩写为FC板,纤维水泥板又称纤维增强水泥板,是以纤维和水泥为主要原材料生产的建筑用水泥平板,以其优越的性能被广泛应用于建筑行业的各个领域。根据添加纤维的不同分为温石棉纤维水泥板和无石棉纤维水泥板,根据成型加压的不同分为纤维水泥无压板和纤维水泥压力板。
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